Sunday, June 26, 2011

Heather Original Gouache Painting

I'm so excited!  Why?  Because I've finally started my new series that has been bouncing around in my brain for who knows how long now.  It's kind of a spin off from my belly dance series in that I'm using a similar style and gouache paint.  What's different is I'm branching out to different styles of dance and making the images either much more simple or much more complicated.  First up is Heather!
Inspiration comes in many different forms, mine is in those I know personally and find strength, beauty and good energy.  In the image above is just one of those special ladies, Heather.  I met Heather through the dance studio I work at, she is one amazing dancer and instructor.  Heather often wears flowers in her hair which I feel fits her personality perfectly.  Outside of class she is a calm and serene presence, like a flower bud, it's closed but still just as lovely in it's simplicity.  In class Heather explodes with energy, she looks like she's having the time of her life you can't help but smile and laugh with her, in this moment she is in bloom showing off all her color and vibrancy.  This is why I chose such a bright color, dancing she pops like the red of a rose.
Above is the image I used to create my gouache painting.  I love how graceful, energetic and powerful this image is.  Heather is one strong mamacita!  If you'd like to know more about Heather check out her website here:

Heather Original Gouache Painting at Elven Grove:

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Water Goddess Watercolor Print

My brain is tired and thinking... is... difficult.  Yet I decide to write a blog now, how odd I am.  Oh well, when the mood comes to write it cannot be stopped even if the brain doesn't want to cooperate.  Next up in the batters box:
Like my previous post I created this image from a photo of one of my best friends.  I love this image because I put love into it when I made it, which was a Christmas gift to the lovely woman portrayed in this image.  She completes the trilogy of my tattoo sisters and her name is Amanda.  I decided to make her a water Goddess because Amanda adores water, it is her element and the flowers surrounding her are her favorites.  Check out Water Goddess in Elven Grove:
This is the image I used to create Water Goddess, isn't she lovely?  I have known Amanda for a very long time, I'm not even sure exactly how long at this point but we began as school yard friends and our friendship soon grew to a life long one.  Though she lives so far from me now that I need a plane to see her, partly because I don't have a car, we still keep our friendship strong.  Amanda is one of the most caring and giving people I know and loves immensely.  She's also intelligently hilarious in a goofy sort of way which is why I love her so.  At the moment she is going to school to become a teacher which is perfect for her, with Amanda's giving and caring personality kids can't help but adore her.

In my previous post I mentioned some new ideas which are now becoming more solid in my, at the moment, mushy brain.  I'm getting excited to start some new projects and to share them on here...  But I'm getting ahead of myself, obviously I'm having difficultly focusing on one thing, this post took way to long to write but I got the writing bug out and I am happy.