Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Art for Partition Event

This was an amazing event!  The view was lovely, the food was super tasty, I learned a lot and met some great people!  So let's start from the beginning.  I find the location, squish into a tiny elevator (I mean tiny!), and went up to the Berkeley Sky Deck which was a super nice  location, here's a pic of the view...
There were large windows surrounding the whole place, it was amazingly calming seeing as I was a little nervous to be in this place where I knew no one and many had personal reasons for being there.  I definitely felt like an outsider.

I soon found my piece hanging near the entrance with its fancy title ;).  I also enjoyed looking at all the wonderful art that was donated to the event by various artists.
My donated art: Britt from Love, Paint & Dance

They then served some super tasty Indian food and we took our seats for the speakers.  I sat with this lovely family, they were super friendly and had two adorable children.  The little girl kept asking me questions about being an artist and that she likes to draw but she really wants to be a writer, adorable!  One of the women at my table also spoke to me about her work raising money for scholarships and asked for my contact info.  She asked if I was interested in donating my work to one of their fundraiser events.  It's always great to make new connections!

There was a special speaker, an author, Dr. Bapsi Sidhwa, who has written various books, one being Cracking India which is based around the events of the Partition of India.  She was a lovely speaker, I learned a lot about the dreadful things that happened during the Partition of India, how many lives were lost and how many families separated.  Their goal is to gather an many life stories from those who went through the events first hand and to document them for future generations and to hopefully learn from it so that it doesn't happen again.
View from where I was sitting of Dr. Bapsi Sidhwa
This was a wonderful experience I was happy to be a part of and has inspired me to look into future donation possibilities.  It's a great way to support a good cause, network and learn something new!  I greatly value growing and learning in every way we can so this was a wonderful and valuable experience I wont soon forget.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sweet Adeline Art Show

My 4th art show is up and ready to go!  I hung my art series "Friends & Strangers", Thursday evening which was super easy seeing as Sweet Adeline is only a block away from where I live.  I went and did a bit of measuring, went back to my apartment, prepared the wires, walked my art on over and hung everything up in only 15 minutes.  It was awesome!  Oh the little things in life...

Even better, only a few hours latter I received an email from a man who works there requesting to purchase one of my pieces!  That is the fastest I have sold a piece of my art after putting it on display, it was a very pleasant surprised!  When I went by the cafe for him to purchase the piece he told me he's writing a book about a girl named "May" and the piece he purchased titled "Briana" reminded him of his character.
Above is the image he purchased.  It is one of my newest pieces and also one of my favorites.  The woman in the image is actually one of my long time childhood friends, Briana.  She has been one of my muses for many years, as you can see from this previous blog post "Goddess Watercolor Print".  I'm so glad someone can enjoy the piece as much as I do.  "Briana" will be available in my etsy shop as a print soon.

For those in the area I am having an art reception Saturday the 13th!  It is 3pm to 5pm and if you're around and nice enough you can join in the after party at my place down the street.