Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Emeryville Market Reception

 The reception went great!  Nicky and I came up with a last minute dark theme as we were shopping for goodies.  As you can see in the pic below it was mainly dark colored treats including chocolate chocolate chip cookies I made, red wine and black plates and napkins.

We got their early to eat, set up and, as I figured, people started showing up about an hour and a half into the beginning of the reception time.  It was nice to have a friend their to chat with until people started to make their way in.  Once people started showing we had a great group.  The reception was spent talking about our art, eating, drinking and just spending time with our friends.  I also auctioned off a small piece of art in which a friend and fellow Hipliner Laura Andel won!
My muse Andrea posing with her portrait
 The market closes at 9pm so we were nicely kicked out a little after that time and a smaller group of us decided to keep the fun going with a few games of pool at a pool hall next door.
What a great group of goofballs!
 All in all it was a great night!  If you haven't stopped by the market yet our art will be up for a few more days, the last day will be either Friday the 2nd or Saturday the 3rd.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Art Show at the Emeryville Public Market

 New art up at the Emeryville Public Market!  The reception is July, Friday the 19th 6-9pm, come check out mine and my friend Nicky's art!  Check out the facebook invite for more details!

Okay now that I've advertised here's the story on how this happened.  I previously had an art show up at a bakery called Sweet Adeline, which I'm behind on blogging so I think I missed the boat on that blog... Any who, I was having a little reception in which a few of my friends showed up to, thank you friends!  I was talking with them about the series and this couple came in who started looking at my work.  I approached them and introduced myself as the artist and we spoke about my work, how I did it and that they enjoyed it.

They then told me their names, Julia Lazar and Tom Franco, which if you know who his brother is props to you, I'm so bad at celebrity names I had no idea until Nicky told me later.  They work together in managing the Firehouse Art Collective in Berkeley and also curate work that goes up at the Emeryville Market.  They gave me their card and asked to contact them if I was interested in hanging my art there with a friend.  They have a lot of wall space so they always have two artists work up at a time.

I asked my artist friend Nicky, she said yes, we connected with them, set up a month and we hung our art up with the help of Tom on June 30th.  It was all very exciting for me because it was the first time I was approached and asked to hang my work somewhere, where as usually I'm seeking out places that will let me hang my work.  Made me feel like a real artist and I'm very excited to have my work up at the Emeryville Public Market.

You can check out our work at the market any time this month.  We are also featured in their blog and July NewZine!