Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A favorite etsy shop: Mizzdraconia

As part of this blog I will feature some of favorite shops along the way.  The first will be Mizzdraconia, a shop that specializes in beautiful fantasy art work in the style of digital paintings and photo manipulations.  If you know my etsy shop, Elven Grove, it's pretty obvious why Mizzdraconia is one of my favorites, sharing a love for fantasy, nature and myth.
This piece is called "Daily Report" and is described as "a daily report being delivered to one of the dryads of the forest".  I love the the woods and all the mythical creatures that are described to live there, including dryads.  I enjoy the curiosity the piece brings to my imagination, I wonder what this butterfly is reporting. the dryad seems to have a somewhat of a serious look in her expression, is it bad news?  Is there a stranger wondering in her woods?  Perhaps another mythical creature encroaching on her land? One can only wonder.
I guess you could say I like my reds and my oranges because here is another, with a similar color scheme as above, I very much enjoy from this shop.  This print is called "Poison" and is described as "a deadly concubine plotting to poison her lord".  I feel this image displays the bad intentions of this woman well with the harsh lights and dark's along with the menacing look in her eye that reflects the color of the poisoned grapes.

If you'd like to check out more by Mizzdraconia check out her etsy shop here:

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