Sunday, May 29, 2011

Goddess Watercolor Print

I got through all of my Belly Dance paintings, what?!  This means I'll need to get working and create some more, though at the moment I have some other ideas growing in my mind... So many ideas so little time!  So now for a change of pass, some watercolor prints.
Above is an image that means quite a bit to me.  I created this image from of photo, which you can see below, of one of my long time friends and tattoo sister Briana.  I created this watercolor for her as a Christmas present, the wording below is in Gaelic and translates to "Froever Friends".  I chose Gaelic because we, including our third tattoo sister (in a future post to come), all have a bit-o-Irish running through our veins and share a love for everything Irish.  I always enjoy creating paintings of those that I care about, makes the process meaningful and fun and always hoping they'll enjoy it as much as I do.  Goddess Watercolor Print at Elven Grove:
Above is the image I used as reference of my lovely friend Briana.  I have known Briana for, goodness, I want to say 15 years now... Could be a little more a little less.  No matter where we are in our lives I will always love her and call her friend.  Briana is also a very talented artist, I have seen her photography talents grow over time and she only keeps improving.  She's talented, driven and one awesome person, recipe for success!  If you'd like to check out some of Briana's photography take a look at her etsy shop The Dizzy Pixie:

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