Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy 2013!!  I hope you all have had a wonderful New Year and are excited for the year ahead, I know I am!

Since my last post I have been lucky enough to have two more art shows and 2 more planned for this year!

Art show #2: Lansplitters Pizza in Berkeley
This was such a fun and successful art show... Well for the most part, but I mustn't get ahead of myself.  The show opening was a blast, there was free pizza for all my guests as well as half off beer and wine, this of course was a big help in getting people out!  Which it did, quite a group joined me that night and it was so much fun to discuss my new series, munch on pizza and drink some beer.

Now the "well for the most part" part, sadly the show was cut a bit short because of a plumbing problem and they had to close the restaurant early.  However this was a blessing in disguise as the woman in charge of booking shows apologized as well as promised me another show at a different Lansplitters after the new year!

Art show #3: Addis Habana Dance and Art Studio in Oakland
This was my least successful event of the 3 I have done this year.  It was a nice space to hang my work, however the turnout wasn't as great as the past two I had.  Those in charge of this studio, nice people, however it wasn't the most pleasurable experience working with them... That's all I'll say on that.

I know every artist has their ups and downs and not every event will go as smashingly as my first two.  I know I am lucky to have had two great events in which I actually sold some of my work and I will learn from this experience.

For these two events I developed a new series of work titled "Friends & Strangers".  More to come on that in future posts, but until then here is the Original painting that inspired it all.

Wishing you all fun, happiness and success in 2013!  I look forward to sharing my art world with you though out the new year! :)

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