Monday, January 14, 2013


I feel a little funny writing about this for all the interweb to see, okay maybe not all, my blog isn't quite that popular, but odd putting it out there none the less.  I'm going through some heartbreak right now, my boyfriend and I of two years are no longer.  It's called "break" for a reason, you feel the shards inside you, it may heal overtime but I believe if you truly love/loved someone there will always be a scar.  You are never quite the same.

Why put this out there?  Because we can't have the good without the bad and I think it's important to say hey, we're all human, we've all been through this (unless you're 5 and have yet to experience a relationship), we've been in deep dark holes... Why hide it?  Though it must be remembered there is a fine line, it's good to let it out, feel what you need to feel but don't let it overcome who you are.  Instead learn from it, grow from it, take something good away from the bad, lemons into lemonade as they say.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not suddenly leaping through flowery fields splashing lemonade on my face, I'm still healing.  However I have been able to squeeze one lemon, with emotion comes inspiration.  The artistic gears in my brain are turning, my emotions are wishing to come out on the canvas... My next art series is a brewing.

Feel the pain but turn your tear filled eyes up to the sun, this is not the end, there is more to come.


  1. I love that you end it so positively. You are a strong, beautiful, vibrant woman and nothing should ever mar that.
