Monday, May 9, 2011


Lately I've been thinking I'd like to do bigger paintings like I used to do in school.  Perhaps they would be belly dance art, perhaps not.  The main problem with this idea is, room.  The bigger the art the more space it takes up and folks, I sadly do not have that much space.  It's so nice to have the smaller paintings tucked away in my portfolio, waiting to be bought so I can ship it off nicely wrapped in a bow... *sigh* dreamings.  Perhaps I can cover my walls with my large art or put them in a bag and hang them out my window.  Any ideas?

Okay, enough of my tangent thoughts, on to more belly dance art!  My newest piece "Britt" is as always, of a belly dancer I personally know and have taken inspiration from.  I love that I have such lovely muses that fill my life.
I chose yellow and red specifically to portray Britt's firery attitude on stage.  She has the ability to keep an audience completely captive and entertained simply by thrusting her hip to the audience while pointing them down as she holds an expression that says "yes, I'm pointing at you and you like it."  And it's true!  Britt has an amazingly witty and outgoing personality it's not surprising that she brings that wittiness to her belly dance performances which are wonderfully entertaining to see.
Above you'll see the lovely image of Britt I used as inspiration for my gouache painting.  Just look at that expression!  Pure confidence.

Check out "Britt" at Elven Grove:

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