Monday, May 23, 2011

A favorite etsy shop: Imagine Studio

Imagine Studio's creates art though photomontage, photo fusion and painted photographs.  I love this shop, the colors are vibrant and each piece brings out a different emotion.  The creator of this shop definitely doesn't hold back on letting the creativity flow.
The image above is titled "Fall's Awakening".  The reds, oranges and yellows not only remind me of the vibrant colors of the leaves in fall but also of the passions of romance.  At least that's where my imagination goes with this piece.  I wonder who she is looking at, perhaps she is on stage and her eyes fall on a tall man towards the back that she feels she knows from a distant past.
The image above titled "Metomorphous" gives a completely different emotion.  In this image I see escape, freedom.  It is a dark image so I get the feeling that she is in the moment of transition.  She was in a dark place, someplace she felt trapped but now she is moving on.  Escaping from this dark place to something better.  She explodes into flight to a place of light.  As you can see my imagination goes wild with the images of this shop.

If you'd like to see more from Imagine Studio's check it out here:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the likeness in your watercolours to the photos is impressive!

    I came via etsian artists :)
